Monday 20 July 2009

X-Men Origins: Wolverine REVIEW


OK, so I've seen this movie twice at the cinema now...(no I'm not one of you complete bell-ends that watched the unfinished version before it's release).

As you may have a heard this film is getting mixed reviews. And by mixed reviews I do of course mean alot of people be hating it. But I want you all to hear the "Un-Critic" tell you exactly what WOLVERINE holds in store for your feeble filmic eyes...

So lets start with narrative. It's about as honest to the comic book origins of Wolverine as Nixon was about Watergate. And this seems to be something FOX loves to do...they knew the majority of there audience know those comic books inside out, but instead of pleasing them with a good honest screen interpretation they piss all over their grandparents. Here's a small list of shit they changed:

1. Sabretooth is NOT Wolverine's brother
2. Deadpool CANNOT shoot lasers out of eyes
3. Deadpool CANNOT push blades out of his arms
4. Deadpool DOES NOT have and Adamantium skeleton
5. Deadpool CANNOT teleport...(unless he has Weasels device of course)
6. Wolverine did NOT lose his memory's because of ADAMANTIUM FUCKING BULLETS.
7. Deadpool SHOULD NOT have had his mouth sewn shut.
8. Gambit DOES NOT look like a girl.
9. Professor X SHOULD NOT look like a child molester

As one can see many of the changes come from things outside of Wolverines character. But a film that boasts 5 beloved comic heroes on its poster should NOT take liberties with these characters backgrounds. This is another negative, the poster shows us Cyclops...Emma Frost...Deadpool....Gambit...all of whom have a combined screen time of 2.9 seconds. Clearly a clever marketing ploy here by FOX...but still sneaky none the less.

An audience that is not informed about the actual origins of Wolvy' will of course look through these things, and what do they see? They see a pretty decent action movie, great set pieces and Hugh Jackman looking like a poster boy for Promax.

Besides a few incredibly cheesy scenes the performances in WOLVERINE are pretty solid. Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool is GENIUS casting, and the few lines he's given are delivered with the perfect 'flair'. Danny Huston as William Stryker is great up until he gets strangled by Wolverine...which makes him sound as if he's got cock stuffed down his throat.

The "twist" at the end of the movie, albeit completely false, is unexpected and does please!

A movie with many flaws yes...but no matter how bad the shitty CGI claws look, how many roars to the sky Logan belts out or how many fucked up side plots there are the film DOES entertain. And I would recommend a cinema trip for people looking for an easy watch...

All in all this film gets:


1 comment:

  1. Im a little gutted that i didn't see this in the cinema now,

    bad times!

    Can you please review Bruno? I would love to read your opinion
